Off-roading and The Magnitude of COSTCO

   Happy Sunday!

   Sundays are meant for relaxing, church and being with friends and family before the start of another work week. I, on the other hand, clean my house all day. I have already today gone to the store, put away groceries, split the ridiculous amount of meat into more manageable bags to freeze that I bought at Costco, stopped briefly to have lunch, vacuumed the bedroom, and have a load of clothes in the laundry. I still have to vacuum the rest of the house, clean the kitchen, empty and clean the fridge, dust the house, give my three dogs a bath while they try to escape the evil water, and then clean the bathroom.

   I don't relax well on Sundays. Saturdays are my fun day. Yesterday we went to Uwharrie National Park to go off-roading with a few others from the Carolina 4Runners Off-Road Group. There were 6 trucks planning to come even though it was ungodly hot at 9 in the morning. We fueled up and aired down the tires to prepare for the day of driving through the mud. Trying to plan the best routes and trails to take was interesting as the drivers gathered around a map since no one was an expert and knew the best ways to go for the different skills levels (we all made it back, I swear). Underneath the trees, we climbed rocks, tree trunks, and hiked through the mud.

  It's something that you have to experience to understand the fun of sitting in the truck in front of an obstacle contemplating if you can actually make it through, up, or down it. Sometimes sheer courage and going for it is the only way to conquer your way to the top. At the end of the day, I was covered in dust, tired and ready for my pillow by 7 that night.

   Today I had to go to Costco and activate my account there. Let me give you a brief explanation of this giant store. It has everything you could ever need in one place, only supersized. Do you need to buy a new blender, tires, a giant bottle of champagne, a shirt, and groceries? This is the store for you. I haven't been to Costco since I was about 12 or 13. You are meant to feel small at that age. I am 26 years old, 5' 2" and if I wanted to I could have climbed into the cart and curled up comfortably. I get my membership card, start walking down the isles and grabbing the things I needed. At some point, when you have to almost get a running start to push the cart, your shopping is done.

   Even though it is somewhere that can be overwhelming and you can easily spend more money than you have, when you are trying to be money conscious it makes more sense to have a membership to a place like Costco. If I had gone to a regular grocery store, I was have gotten so much less for the total of my bill. My freezer and ice chest are stocked with veggies and meats that will be used throughout the month to make our meals. As long as you don't get easily sidetracked and fall into the pit of outdoor stuff and books in the middle. I absolutely need the second lamp, right?


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