My Fabulous Life

   Hello! *waves*
   My name is Riane. I am 23 and getting ready to graduate college! I have a loving family, a hyperactive dog, and a wonderful boyfriend who has a great son. I love to be outside, read, write, and exercise.
   And I have brain cancer.
   Just a teeny tiny little thing. I was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2014. I was having bad migraines that wouldn't react to my medicine. After and MRI, I was told I had a tumor in my right frontal lobe the size of a golfball. That's not small. I went in to surgery on January 15th, 2014 to have it removed. I went through surgery great and it came back from pathology as a Grade 2 Oligoastrocytoma tumor. Yes, that's a long name. Basically it's a type of tumor that is like a spider web and very hard to surgically remove all of it. The grade was on the lower end of the scale, 1-4, with 4 being the worst.
   I went back to school, started dating Chad, my boyfriend, and went on with my life thinking it was all over. Yeah, I was wrong.
   I went in for a MRI in September and the tumor had grown back. with vengeance. This time it had grown faster and farther to the left where many important things were. So I went back into surgery on December 15th, 2014. I'm hardcore. Two surgeries in one year!
   I went through that surgery great as well, but they had to leave a small piece of the tumor, now a Grade 3, because removal would have caused me to be disabled. Ain't nobody got time for that.
   I went through 6 weeks of radiation treatment along with chemotherapy pills during that time. I lost a good portion of my hair in the front near my incision site, but that's okay. I can rock the bang look while it grows back. The treatments worked wonderfully and on my last MRI in August they couldn't see the tumor! I currently take the chemo pills once a month to keep it from growing again.
   I graduate in December after going through all of this and having to take 2 Spring semesters off. My life is pretty hectic, but my motto is what does not kill you, makes you stronger. And dammit if I'm not living proof of that.


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