
Showing posts from September, 2015

After Chemo

Good evening my darlings! You know what's great about chemo? It makes the bad things in my body go away. You know what sucks about chemo? I feel like warmed over death the entire time.  Yes, you read that right. Warmed over death. I started on Thursday making Friday not bad. Saturday I was more tired than anything. And then it's Sunday, horrible Sunday, that my body says hello! We do not like you anymore! Please proceed to nearest bathroom to spend the rest of the day!  Chemo makes me pretty nauseous. That's a side effect that I would rather live with than have the Tumor keep growing. There's just only so much I can do. I ended chemo on Monday, and still feel sick.  No way around it. Oh well. Rather be sick than have a tumor! 

My Life

   My darling little readers! Lend me your ears! (If you have ever seen Robin Hood: Men In Tights you will be imagining ears being thrown at you like I am)    I am not the best at blogging. I am a full time student that is graduating. Do you KNOW how much work I have? So let me catch you up on my life for the past few months. I can tell you that it's very exciting, because I am just a party animal      Because I am just the enthusiastic person I am, I went to school all summer. Literally I started in May and didn't stop until the first week of August. But that's okay since I am a nerd and like school. Now I am in my last Fall semester of college. I graduating December 19th! Woo! Now here's the downside of that: I literally study and write papers all the time. I have very little free time that I usually spend editing or thinking of new scenes for my book.   I do have time to spend with family. My grandparents came to visit my family and that wa...

The Beginning

Hello!    You may be new here, some may have come across this randomly, while some may have come from my page on Wordpress. I like Blogger better for creative reasons (shh! Don't tell Wordpress!). I am 23 and living with a Grade 3 Oligoastrocytoma in my brain. I have brain cancer. And I rock it because I'm fabulous!    I hope you enjoy my blog and my life. I am going to try to post at least once a week, which may be hard because I am also a college student graduating in December! WOO! I'm a little excited. But I am going to try.    My little About Me section; I live in North Carolina, was diagnosed in January 2014. I have had two craniotomies to remove the tumor, both went great. I have gone through radiation and chemotherapy to stop the growth of what they couldn't take out. I still take the chemo pills once a month to continue to prevent growth.    It's a long process but hey, I still wake up every day.