Let's Catch up!
It has been so long since I have written a blog post. I think it was sometime in 2015? Don't quote me on that, I can be a little fuzzy when it comes to dates. Let me fill you in on what has happened in my life the past few years. Hello my name is Riane and I am a brain cancer survivor. (insert the chorus of hi Riane here). I have a stage 3 oliogoastrocytoma tumor and have had two surgeries (one was 1/15/14 and two was 12/18/14), chemotherapy, and radiation to get that sucker to stop growing. All while going through college and receiving my Bachelors in Criminal Justice might I add. Now the downfall is I will never be cancer free, or ever truly in remission. During my second surgery, my neurosurgeon had to leave part of the tumor that was on the middle wall of my brain where it was, fearing that if he removed it I would be disabled. I had no issue with his decision since I was out cold and didn't find out about it until after I came fully out of the drugs. ...